poenaruSOCIAL MEDIA: AUTONOMOUS WEAPONS?[traduction française ci-dessous] In the context of economic warfare, users become tools and soldiers, as their data and interactions are...
poenaruAUTONOMOUS WEAPONS AND WEAPONIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA[traduction française ci-dessous] The age of autonomous weapons and social networks presents a paradox of empowerment and disempowerment,...
poenarudigital panopticonSocial media platforms amplify social pressures and norms, encouraging conformity. This can limit individuals' willingness to express...
economic unconsciousThe visual politics of affect in suicide attacksVerena Straub and Jonas Bens Suicide attacks, in which fighters are willing to sacrifice their own life to commit an act of violence,...
economic unconsciousIMAGE OPERATIONS. VISUAL MEDIA AND POLITICAL CONFLICTStill and moving images are crucial factors in contemporary political conflicts. They not only have representational, expressive or...
economic unconsciousSOFT IMAGE. Towards a new theory of digital imageWith today’s digital technology, the image is no longer a stable representation of the world, but a programmable view of a database that...
economic unconsciousTHROUGH THE CROSSHAIRSNow that it has become so commonplace, we rarely blink an eye at camera footage framed by the crosshairs of a sniper’s gun or from the...
economic unconsciousAFFLICTED POWERS. CAPITAL AND SPECTACLE IN A NEW AGE OF WARAfflicted Powers is an account of world politics since September 11, 2001. It aims to confront the perplexing doubleness of the...
booksTHE COSTS OF CONNECTION. Just about any social need is now met with an opportunity to "connect" through digital means. But this convenience is not free--it is...