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LE TROISIÈME CERVEAU: Petite phénoménologie du smartphone
Il y a dix ans, Steve Jobs présente son dernier-né : iPhone, premier téléphone cellulaire contenant un navigateur Internet, un iPod et un...
Associations between 24 hour movement behaviours and global cognition in US children
THE LANCET | Child & Adolescent Health Volume 2, ISSUE 11, P783-791, November 01, 2018 Jeremy J Walsh, PhD Joel D Barnes, MSc Jameason D...

IRRESISTIBLE. The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked
Welcome to the age of behavioral addiction—an age in which half of the American population is addicted to at least one behavior. We...

Psychoanalysis and Digital Culture offers a comprehensive account of our contemporary media environment―digital culture and audiences in...

CYBORG SUBJECT. Discourses on digital culture
This book is an interrogation of humanity's new potentials and threats brought by technology when the question of social change is...

Reset your child's brain
A no-cost, nonpharmaceutical treatment plan for children with behavioral and mental health challenges Increasing numbers of parents...

Numerous Screen-Related Factors Trigger stress
Young Children’s Video/Computer Game Use: Relations with School Performance and Behavior
This study examined the amount and content of children’s video game playing in relation with behavioral and academic outcomes....
Les smartphones façonnent une génération sujette "à des problèmes de santé mentale"
via San Diego (Etats-Unis) - Pour Jean Twenge, enseignante en psychologie à l'Université américaine de San Diego, le...
Survivre malgré le numérique
Le chercheur Thierry Venin invite à une prise de conscience salutaire du pouvoir du numérique. LE MONDE | 04.01.2016 à 18h41 | ...
THE ATLANTIC. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the...
Les smartphones ont-ils détruit la génération «iGen»?
VIA SLATE Repéré par Robin Panfili, 4 août 2017 C'est la question sur laquelle Jean M. Twenge, docteur et professeure en psychologie, se...

iGEN, J. M. Twenge
As seen in Time, USA TODAY, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and on CBS This Morning, BBC, PBS, CNN, and NPR, iGen is crucial...

Diagnoses of anxiety and depression by hours of screen time among teens.
Notes: 1) controls for gender, race/ethnicity, SES, etc. 2) 21% of older teens spend 7+ hours on screens, so this is not a small...
Associations between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents:
Jean M. Twenge, W. Keith Campbell Highlights • More hours of screen time are associated with lower well-being in ages 2 to 17. • High...
Your Kid’s Apps Are Crammed With Ads
In a new study of the most downloaded apps for children ages 5 and younger, researchers found advertising in almost all of them. By...
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