multi-level psychoanalysisSUBPERSONAL COGNITIVE LEVEL AND THE LIMITS OF PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH IN CYBERCAPITALISMThe subpersonal cognitive level (Andler, 2023)—conceived in terms of connectionist and computational models within the brain—lies...
poenaruOEDIPUS COMPLEX OR CAPTIVITY COMPLEX?L. Poenaru The father's strong influence on the nuclear family, supported by loving and ambivalent feelings, is irrefutable. The same...
poenaruMULTI-LEVEL PSYCHOANALYSIS & THE INCLUSION OF ECONOMIC LEVELL. Poenaru The term "multi-level psychoanalysis" serves as a valuable reframing of psychoanalysis to better align with contemporary...
multi-level psychoanalysisTHE NEW UNCONSCIOUSOver the past two decades, a new picture of the cognitive unconscious has emerged from a variety of disciplines that are broadly part of...