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Increases in Depression, Self-Harm, and Suicide Among U.S. Adolescents After 2012
Abstract Objective Increases in depression among adolescents have been concurrent with increases in digital media use. In this article,...
Digital Stress over the Life Span
Digital Stress over the Life Span: The Effects of Communication Load and Internet Multitasking on Perceived Stress and Psychological...

The first volume of a collection of papers on cognitive capitalism in relation with the conditions of mind and brain in the Information...
Résumé Contexte La guerre totale, fractale et transversale (Alliez & Lazzarato, 2016) du cybercapitalisme n’est pas la guerre militaire...
BBC _ What’s happening with girls’ mental health?

Il existe un réseau croissant d’influences et de mécanismes qui ne cesse de réarchitecturer nos cerveaux, nos systèmes...

Photo: Poenaru Un des constats qui s’impose à propos des émotions du capitalisme est le suivant: nous vivons dans une société (de...
Youth Suicide Rate Increased 56% in Decade, CDC Says
QU'EST-CE QUI DÉTRUIT LA NOUVELLE GÉNÉRATION? Internet? Smartphones? La culture de l'image et de l'illimité? Les réseaux "sociaux" et...
When Social Media Is Really Problematic for Adolescents
Underlying problems may make some young people particularly vulnerable to what they find on social media, an expert says. By Perri Klass,...

The end of forgetting. Growing up with social media
KATE EICHHORN Thanks to Facebook and Instagram, our younger selves have been captured and preserved online. But what happens, Kate...

The Age of Addiction. How Bad Habits Became Big Business
David T. Courtwright We live in an age of addiction, from compulsive gaming and shopping to binge eating and opioid abuse. Sugar can be...
La recette très secrète de Tinder
Le Monde: Décryptages 28 mars 2019 Les mécanismes cachés de l’appli de rencontres aux 50 millions d’utilisateurs sont dévoilés par la...
Regulate social media to protect children from ‘online wild west’, say MPs
Jane Kirby, INDEPENDENT, 18 March 2019 Addiction to social media should potentially be classed as a disease, MPs said as they called for...
Psychiatrists urged to consider impact of social media use on all children they assess
Questions about technology use should be routine part of mental health assessments amid growing concern it can influence children to...
Civic tech, fake news : les algorithmes, amis ou ennemis de la démocratie ?
PODCAST / La méthode scientifique, France Culture Comment fonctionnent les algorithmes ? Comment après la vie privée, les algorithmes...

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power
BY SHOSHANA ZUBOFF The challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, the first detailed examination of the unprecedented form of...

podcast: zucked - the new york times book review
Le stress numérique est la conséquence de l’amplification des mécanismes de stress par un environnement numérique omniprésent : en France...

LE TROISIÈME CERVEAU: Petite phénoménologie du smartphone
Il y a dix ans, Steve Jobs présente son dernier-né : iPhone, premier téléphone cellulaire contenant un navigateur Internet, un iPod et un...

GENERAL WILL 2.0. Rousseau, Freud, Google
Stay informed. Talk about the issues. Always be engaged. Liberal societies have encouraged their members to take part—or at least ...
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